Interview with Indie Author Dave Milbrandt

This month, I had the opportunity to talk with Indie Christian writer Dave Milbrandt about his craft. Over the past three years, Dave has published two novels, Chasing Deception and Undue Pressure. Both follow the career of Jim Mitchell, a journalist in Southern California. This summer he has finished work on his third Jim Mitchell novel, Running, which is scheduled for release this fall.

A former journalist himself, Dave has had plenty of material to draw on for his work. Currently a high school English teacher and adjunct professor of political science, he manages to remain both a prolific writer and a well-loved and effective teacher.

As one testimony to the appeal of Dave’s work, Classic Coffee, in downtown Glendora, has named a coffee drink after Dave’s protagonist. When you are in the area, stop in and ask for a “Jim Mitchell.” I understand there is both chocolate and coffee in this appealing drink.

When did you first realize you were a storyteller?

I wrote my first short story in junior high. It was based on the stories of a private investigator from “Ol’ Saint Louie”. You can imagine the clichéd tropes that plagued each page of the thankfully short narrative, but it was a start.

What do you love about the writing process?

Since I tend to write during the summer, I don’t have a lot of time to compose a first draft. After the outlining process, I just start writing. I love it when the narrative is flowing like a rushing stream and I am typing as fast as I can to get the ideas down before they wash away.

Photo Credit: Lynn Milbrandt
Dave Millbrandt

What is the hardest part of being a writer?

Since I am indie author, the hardest part has been publicity and marketing. It is difficult to find the right balance between creatively promoting your work and shamelessly begging people to buy your book.

Where do you find your inspiration?

I most often realized that I find my inspiration when I’m not trying to. I wish I could be the kind of person who could sit down, looking wistfully into the distance and plot out a three-book series in a day. But most often, I find inspiration when I am doing something routine and I have time to get the juices going.

What are you working on right now?

I am editing my latest book, which will be the third tale in my Jim Mitchell series of novels. I’m also working a screenplay, but that’s in the background for now.

What has been the best part of being an independent author?

What I love about the indie format is that I get to choose how long I want to wait between finishing my work and sharing it with my readers. I don’t have to hold my breath for 2-3 years with a publisher if there is a backlog of titles in the pipeline. I also have creative control over things like cover design and fonts, which as a former reporter/newspaper layout guy, I really like.

For more information about what Dave is working on and to order his books, check him out at his website